I realize that my inactivity here has been great, but I'm back. Yes, it's been almost a year and a lot has happened. I know that I could have eliminated this blog and started fresh, but since we are still "Aces in KY", I felt it proper to continue here. Courtney and I have found our church home at Crossing Church here in Louisville. It is a Sojourn church plant with the SBC. We have found a place not only to connect to believers, but to be active in ministry and service as well. This happened just at the end of last summer, and it has been incredible to be active in a body of believers once again.
Last fall had it's share of ups and downs, but the year was capped with a great visit to Orlando to see family, and of course, Jacob's first birthday!!!
In January of this year I was able to go with a group to New Orleans to assist a church plant there with house-gutting, prayer-walking, Guitar Hero'ing (see photos) and the opening of their worship space. It was very eye-opening to see how much disrepair there still is in NO. Almost 2 years later and there are a lot of wards without power, and homes that have not been touched. I believe I will be going back this summer to continue work there.
Seminary education has come to a screeching halt as God has dealt with Courtney and I about our finances. We do not desire to be people who rely on credit, and therefore we are aggressively perusing freedom from our current debts. So this has meant a tightening of the belts and taking on extra work to create relief. Hasn't been an easy road, but the rewards will be worth the sacrifice. We are not trying to 'get rich quick' but rather our goal is to end the slavery to credit card companies. Pray for us in this. I hope to be eligible for scholarships to move forward in my degree program, but refuse to put my education on plastic.
That pretty much brings us up to the current state of affairs as the Aces continue to dwell in the Bluegrass State. Jacob is getting bigger and bigger each day. He says "Hi Dada" now, and actually likes to spend time with me! Courtney is doing part time work at the local YMCA, and Jacob get's to go there and spend time with other kids. The weather is finally warming up, which makes KY a lot easier to deal with. Continue to check back now that I am back in the game on this blog thing!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Well, we have just recently completed a move to a rental house a bit closer to school. At our apartment we were 22 miles to my job and about the same to school, and now we are about 4 miles to each. Its kinda nice! Only about 3 weeks left in the spring semester. Got like 3 papers and two finals to go! I also got promoted at work, which will help in the endless struggle to stay afloat financially.
Weather has been good. A little rainy during the week, then nice on the weekends.
There are some new pictures up of Jacob on his website. He has started grabbing things now and he makes sure that whatever he grabs goes directly into his mouth. Quite a blast.
We will be in Florida again the weekend of June 3rd for Kyle's wedding. I know we got to see some folks on our last trip. Hope we can make the rounds again this time!
Weather has been good. A little rainy during the week, then nice on the weekends.
There are some new pictures up of Jacob on his website. He has started grabbing things now and he makes sure that whatever he grabs goes directly into his mouth. Quite a blast.
We will be in Florida again the weekend of June 3rd for Kyle's wedding. I know we got to see some folks on our last trip. Hope we can make the rounds again this time!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Time for Some Brain Food
Ok, so I usually dont post like this, but since it is something that was recently brought up in school, I have to address it.
"Cruficied, laid behind the stone
Live to die, rejected and alone
Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall and though of me above all"
This is truly a great chorus, up until the last line. I realize that this song was not composed by Michael W. Smith, but he is responsible for popularizing it. Christ was, indeed crucified, bearing the weight of God's wrath on the sin that entered the world through the fall. After his death, he was buried behind in a tomb, sealed with a large capstone. At the end of His life, Jesus endured incredible rejection by those who just days earlier had cheered him. Much like a rose, stomped to the ground by schoolchildren who know no better;
"...he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we
are healed." Isaiah 53:5
But this is where it gets interesting. Yes, Christ bore the weight of sin on his shoulders for all of mankind, past, present, and future. However, on the forefront of his mind was not me, nor you, nor any other person (as the song suggests). God's greatest pleasure is the magnification of His own glory. His desire to bring his only son to death by a Roman cross was not because he was thinking of you and I, but rather He knew before time that this single act in history would be necessary to further HIS OWN GLORY.
The main point of this is not to rant (well, at least not too much), but rather to make sure that when you set foot in a worship service, and beging to sing praise, that you not be overly critical of what you sing, but also do not be apathetic. Make note of things you don't understand or have questions about, and address those questions in study. Singing something like "you thought of me above all" is not only unscriptural, but borerline heretical in nature. Just because it makes you "feel good" and get warm fuzzies does not mean that what you are singing is biblically sound. Don't be afraid to question what happens around you. It will give you a better theological base on which to stand down the road.
"Cruficied, laid behind the stone
Live to die, rejected and alone
Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall and though of me above all"
This is truly a great chorus, up until the last line. I realize that this song was not composed by Michael W. Smith, but he is responsible for popularizing it. Christ was, indeed crucified, bearing the weight of God's wrath on the sin that entered the world through the fall. After his death, he was buried behind in a tomb, sealed with a large capstone. At the end of His life, Jesus endured incredible rejection by those who just days earlier had cheered him. Much like a rose, stomped to the ground by schoolchildren who know no better;
"...he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we
are healed." Isaiah 53:5
But this is where it gets interesting. Yes, Christ bore the weight of sin on his shoulders for all of mankind, past, present, and future. However, on the forefront of his mind was not me, nor you, nor any other person (as the song suggests). God's greatest pleasure is the magnification of His own glory. His desire to bring his only son to death by a Roman cross was not because he was thinking of you and I, but rather He knew before time that this single act in history would be necessary to further HIS OWN GLORY.
The main point of this is not to rant (well, at least not too much), but rather to make sure that when you set foot in a worship service, and beging to sing praise, that you not be overly critical of what you sing, but also do not be apathetic. Make note of things you don't understand or have questions about, and address those questions in study. Singing something like "you thought of me above all" is not only unscriptural, but borerline heretical in nature. Just because it makes you "feel good" and get warm fuzzies does not mean that what you are singing is biblically sound. Don't be afraid to question what happens around you. It will give you a better theological base on which to stand down the road.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Tag of Fours
My sister had this on her blog and has sent it to me to post, so here it goes...
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Subway Subs
2. Warehouse laborer for Sears
3. Valet at Lexus (bling!)
4. Landscaper
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Rush Hour
2. Rush Hour 2
3. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (older one)
4. Elektra
Four places you have lived:
1. New Joisey
2. Kentucky
3. Orlando
4. Chuluota
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Xtreme 4x4
2. Trucks!
3. CSI
4. Commander in Chief (Gina Davis could run this country any day!)
Four places you have been on vacation:
1. West Virginia
2. Las Vegas
3. Chicago
4. Panama City Beach
Four websites I visit daily:
1. Coloradok5.com
2. 502streetscene.net
3. pirate4x4.com
4. slickdeals.net
Four of my favorite foods:
1. bunny tracks ice cream
2. Courtney's Chili
3. Arroz con Gondules
4. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Wheelin
2. Florida
3. Wheelin in Florida
4. Lazyboy Recliner
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Subway Subs
2. Warehouse laborer for Sears
3. Valet at Lexus (bling!)
4. Landscaper
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Rush Hour
2. Rush Hour 2
3. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (older one)
4. Elektra
Four places you have lived:
1. New Joisey
2. Kentucky
3. Orlando
4. Chuluota
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Xtreme 4x4
2. Trucks!
3. CSI
4. Commander in Chief (Gina Davis could run this country any day!)
Four places you have been on vacation:
1. West Virginia
2. Las Vegas
3. Chicago
4. Panama City Beach
Four websites I visit daily:
1. Coloradok5.com
2. 502streetscene.net
3. pirate4x4.com
4. slickdeals.net
Four of my favorite foods:
1. bunny tracks ice cream
2. Courtney's Chili
3. Arroz con Gondules
4. Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Wheelin
2. Florida
3. Wheelin in Florida
4. Lazyboy Recliner
Saturday, January 14, 2006
A New Year

Wow, I cant believe we made it. Little Jacob Alexander was born on December 8th, 2005. He weighed in at 6lbs 7oz, and was 19 inches long. We ended up having to schedule a Cesarian section, because he was turned so that his feet would have been delivered first. We had taken birthing classes through the Bradley Method, which is a very informative class promoting natural child birth. But since the little guy flipped over, we had to drag him out by his bottom!! You can see a few pictures of him here, and I am always adding more pics to that so check back often!
Courtney has been doing a stupendously incredible job as a new momma. She was determined to breast feed, and by golly she did it. It is good cause we will save money on formula and such, but on the downside she is the only one that can feed him (no manory gland here Focker!) so she has to get up with him at night and stuff. It's been interesting adjusting to life with a 3rd member of the family, but it has been amazing at the same time. Getting up for work, washing dishes, making dinners, grocery shopping, and all that is well worth it when Jacob smiles at me.
Speaking of work, I got a new job at Thompson Associates, Inc. They broker and manage insurance and benefits for businesses. I actually got the job thru my old manager at Lexus, who is friends with the HR lady that hired me. I am a true believer that networking is the only way to get a job. So, I basically just do the filing and clerical work for the Customer Service Dept. I also relieve the receptionist for breaks and stuff. Not a bad gig, and I will finally have insurance.
Life is starting to get back to normal here. We are going to continue the church search now that things are settling down. That is a big priority for the next few weeks. It is no fun not having a church home here. It feels worse than not having a job. So be in prayer for us as we search, and try to see God's leading in that. We also want to buy a house now that I have better income, and seeing as we will be here a while since I am taking night classes now. If anyone has some money laying around we could use for a down payment, send it on!
Thats all for now. Be sure to check out the new links on the right!
Monday, November 28, 2005
The Winds of Change
Well, sorry for such a long pause since my last blog. November has had its share of interesting events. Since my last post, the weather has taken a turn for the COLD!! This Thanksgiving weekend we had mid 30's for the high temp. Yesterday we saw a mostly cloudy day but today brought a day of rain, and now the cold winds have started blowing again. I think we are expecting mid 40's for most of the week.
The Greatest Place on Earth!
Bass Pro Shops of Clarksville, IN has offically opened its doors for business, and you better believe it has gotten my business! Courtney and I took a sunday stroll through the GIANORMOUS 2-story outdoor heaven that includes a Tracker Dealership, Theater, archery range, indoor driving range, 18-hole putt-putt, Resturant, Starbucks, and a stream that runs from one end of the store to the other! I have no more words to describe this magnificent landmark.
The next most recent event has been a farewell to the car washing and retrieval position I held at Lexus of Louisville. To make a long story short: Managment does not communicate well and therefore my benefits were screwed up, meaning I would have to wait until Feb to have benefits. This was not going to work for me, so I decided to pursue something that could offer me better pay, and a better benefits package for my family. I know that I will now have to work full-time to achieve these goals, but I have decided that family comes first, and school will get done at a little slower pace than expected. God has already provided some opportunities and interviews, so this process should go quickly.
Courtney is officially ready to pop. She can't get much bigger. Little Acevedo has dropped, in my opinion, and we should have an arrival in the next 10 days. But i'm no doctor, so who knows. Thank you all for your prayers this far in her pregnancy, and continue to pray please for a short, safe delivery.
Along with the winds of change will be a retirement of "The Great Move" as the current blog. With such a big change in our family, I will be starting a new title on the Acevedo blogspot, so be on the lookout for that in the coming weeks.
I miss 72 degree weather and all the friends and family that have gone with Thanksgiving the past 18 years. Kyle, I hope you still had band thanksgiving. Momma, I really can't wait for some rice and beans when you get here! JP, (read with a Strongbad voice) I tink you need to come visit me, and uhhh, u should bring da wife and da kid too! Dat would be suhweeet!
The Greatest Place on Earth!
Bass Pro Shops of Clarksville, IN has offically opened its doors for business, and you better believe it has gotten my business! Courtney and I took a sunday stroll through the GIANORMOUS 2-story outdoor heaven that includes a Tracker Dealership, Theater, archery range, indoor driving range, 18-hole putt-putt, Resturant, Starbucks, and a stream that runs from one end of the store to the other! I have no more words to describe this magnificent landmark.
The next most recent event has been a farewell to the car washing and retrieval position I held at Lexus of Louisville. To make a long story short: Managment does not communicate well and therefore my benefits were screwed up, meaning I would have to wait until Feb to have benefits. This was not going to work for me, so I decided to pursue something that could offer me better pay, and a better benefits package for my family. I know that I will now have to work full-time to achieve these goals, but I have decided that family comes first, and school will get done at a little slower pace than expected. God has already provided some opportunities and interviews, so this process should go quickly.
Courtney is officially ready to pop. She can't get much bigger. Little Acevedo has dropped, in my opinion, and we should have an arrival in the next 10 days. But i'm no doctor, so who knows. Thank you all for your prayers this far in her pregnancy, and continue to pray please for a short, safe delivery.
Along with the winds of change will be a retirement of "The Great Move" as the current blog. With such a big change in our family, I will be starting a new title on the Acevedo blogspot, so be on the lookout for that in the coming weeks.
I miss 72 degree weather and all the friends and family that have gone with Thanksgiving the past 18 years. Kyle, I hope you still had band thanksgiving. Momma, I really can't wait for some rice and beans when you get here! JP, (read with a Strongbad voice) I tink you need to come visit me, and uhhh, u should bring da wife and da kid too! Dat would be suhweeet!
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