Whew! What a day!
So, after 2 weeks of extended vacation here at the Smith Ranch, the wheels have finally started turning in the forward direction with this move to Louisville. Today Courtney and I drove into Louisville to meet Raleigh (the artist formally know as RJ) and his lady friend for lunch. We had a half hour to kill so we stopped in to see our realtor, Jerry. Turns out that while Jerry was in Florida securing his property for the approaching tropical disturbances, he recieved a few phone calls from guys looking for seminary students to hire. One of these job openings happen to be at the Lexus dealership in town... Long story short; I went to Old Navy to buy an outfit for my unexpected interview today where I was offered a Valet/Porter position, which will be flexible with my school schedule, and give me benefits, and let me drive really expensive cars. WOOHOO!!!
So I guess the past few days have been a lesson in active faith. I knew God was going to provide the things we needed, but I wasn't being very active in searchig after Him, or the things I needed. (Yes, in that order) So to back up the story a bit, yesterday I had an interview with UPS in Lexingtonand could have had a job there, but could not have transfered to Louisville for 1 year... That would not have worked. But it was a step in seeking a job, instead of being lazy (which is easy to do in the country). Then, today, a job offer falls into my lap, along with a decent apartment that we can afford and that will take Toby.
God always promises to be faithful. But he never said just sit around and let me pour everything into your lap and make it easy for you. Faith without works is dead. Faith not being lived is not faith at all. It is merely belief. Pretty cool lesson, and one that I needed to learn.
As soon as I get to a high speed connection, I will post pictures and such. I still miss you guys. My poor Les Paul has only been out of the case once in 2 weeks. Guess thats the breaks when all your stuff is in storage!