Sunday, July 03, 2005

With or Without You

I can't live with or without you. Thank you Bono and The Edge... As Kyle has put it, a life without Christ is no life at all; but a life lived in Christ does not belong to us. Of the 1026 songs currently on my powerbook, that song just nailed it for me. I need to quit believing that I moved to KY for my own benefit or gain. The life I live is not my own, but was purchased with a price. AMEN!

Saw lots of property today. There are some SWEET homes in Louisville. Anything from sophisticated neighborhoods, to country plantations. Very nice. If I was moving up here to work full-time, I would buy a really nice house on like 5-10 acres of property. But since I am not here for my own benefit, I will wait for what God has in store... I am almost sure that will be better than anything I could pick out.

Funny side note... Wal-Mart's here in KY are not the ghetto-redneck safe havens they are in Florida (and Georgia for that matter). Here the Walmart's have clean floors, neat isles, happy cashiers, fresh produce... It's like someone took a Target, painted over all the red with blue, and put the little rollback smiley-face guy everywhere instead of the bullseye... pretty neato I must say.

Anyways, we are off to the Cincinatti Zoo tomorrow. Should be fun. I plan on hanging out with the monkeys for a while. See if I can get one to fling poo or something... :P

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